Never thought congruency would have more meaning to me than it's definition.
Yesterday, as I was about to put my bindings on your board, I noticed something that made stop. I noticed that you had your bindings set such that each leg was at the same angle, at 9 degrees. I thought this was weird, I thought I was the only one to do something odd like that. Then I remembered how I mentioned to you that I was practicing to learn how to board switch and that I had both my bindings at the same angles (9 degrees) even though it made it harder to curve. I guess you might have followed suit and done the exact same thing. Why'd you follow my move? You know that I am not the best person to follow and that my actions only lead to trouble.
After seeing the angles, I just put my screwdriver down and went to work. When I also realized that the screws had been put in by your own hands, I couldn't get myself to undo them, especially knowing how you liked doing handy work.
I'll make your board proud man. But why'd you have to get such ugly colored bindings.