To laugh often and much
To win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children
To earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends
To appreciate beauty
To find the best in others
To leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch or a redeemed social condition
To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived; This is to have succeeded.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
Hey SKY, I sit here drinking some wine and was reading through some emails, and a recent email from Wendy had her mention the trip we all took to Reno and Tahoe, you know the one where I got the $29 deal on the hotel suite at the Atlantis in Reno and we crammed in 7 people into that room because we were all poor students. The one where we all hit the buffet last minute and got way more food than we could eat such that in any other country we would have gotten arrested for wasting so much food. As I was reading Wendy's email, I looked at the pictures on my wall and sure enough, there was the picture of all of us from the trip.
You might be wondering about the quote I wrote above and thinking why the heck is Han doing writing down such a pansy quote. Well SKY, I am actually a deeper person than you might suspect. This is my favorite quote of all time and one that I try to live my life by. I have only told one other person in my life how important this quote was to me and I always promised myself I would use it for a special occasion.
Now you might be wondering what the heck does this quote and snowboarding have in common. Well, just bare with me. You see SKY, I used to be the biggest snowboarding snob in the world and still am to a lesser degree now. I used to only want to go boarding with really good boarders that were better than me and I used to not want to waste my time teaching others because I cherished my time on the slopes so much.
I believe I might have been one of the first, if not the first person to take you boarding. I definitely was the one that advocated it to you because I would talk about it all day in lab. I remember when I planned the trip the picture is from, I kind of dreaded it at the beginning because I thought I would spend most of my time watching you all fall on your butt instead of hitting the slopes. I remember how excited you were, with your new snowboarding pants and gear.
When we got to the slopes and everyone was learning, I was already dreading just sitting there telling everyone to get off their butts on the bunny slopes. Finally at one point I just told you all that I was leaving to go to a different lift. I remember you saying you will come along. I was like what the heck are you doing. But you played it off as if you could handle the runs I could go on. So you came along with me and we hit some runs that I knew were probably way too hard for you.
Well, you struggled of course but watching you persevere and get up no matter how many times you ate it was inspirational to me in a sense. No matter how hard the run was, you were still trying to keep up which I thought was amazing. Over time and many other trips to various ski resorts, you would improve vastly, even getting your own board at one point and asking me for help on what to buy. When we got to Whistler, you were able to hang with me through all the runs and I always cherished that because I loved boarding with people that loved boarding as much as I did.
Furthermore, I cherished boarding with you SKY because I watched you grow as a boarder and you made me realize how great it is to have a friend that you can teach and board with eventually. You taught me patience and that in the end, the rewards can be great. You have no idea how much I love friends that I can board with. Because of you, now I always try to get more friends into boarding and teach them in hopes of finding people that I can board with in the future just like I did with you.
In the end SKY, as convoluted as it may seem, through boarding, you made me a better person. Even though you may not be around, to me you have succeeded as a friend and as a person and I thank you for that.
- Han